The Wonders of Sleeping

20 Feb 2006

According to those who study these things, the average adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep per day. As of late I have started to agree. Over the past few weeks I have been averaging closer to five or six hours of sleep per day (and occasionally less). Combined with the increased amount of physical activity that I choose to engage in (I am currently running 20 miles a week and lifting weights for a one and a half hours a day), I was becoming tired and boring. Yes, boring – it would seem that my vibrancy and bubbly nature (some may deem it insanity) stems from receiving proper amounts of sleep. If I become tired and downtrodden, I suddenly approach a horrid state of “normalcy” – unfortunately for some, this normalcy is accompanied by almost narcoleptic state of disillusion. So no, you cannot use this as a cure for the insanity. Sorry.

After suffering from a near crash of self, I have begun making a conscious effort to return to the bed and acquire the appropriate amount of nightly rest. And the wonders that it performs … I’m “bouncin’ back” as they say, stronger than ever and ready to take on the world (ok, that’s a lie – I was born ready to take on the world). So watch out, I’m back and comin at you like never before. Plus I made an A on a test the other day (in a rather difficult class) which has me more excited. And then there’s the whole Chi O / ATO mixer this week and all the other exciting things that fill the life of one Matthew A. Smith. Peace!