Spring Break or Something Like It

19 Mar 2007

Spring break – a time of collegiate debauchery, comradery, and sunburn-ery. For me, this year’s spring break was nothing more than another week working in Macon to replenish the bank account. I did manage to squeeze in a bit of hanging out and hot tubbing (I’m not the only broke college student in Macon), complete a little homework, acquire a new part time job (to keep me from going broke again before summer time), and relax a little.

It’s finally time to get back to work, and I have decided that life is good. The break served as an excellent way to disconnect and reflect on everything that has happened over the past few weeks and sort out my own personal feelings. When all is said and done, I believe that I have found a resolve and a renewed motivation to push forward and discover more of my hidden potential.

Life here I come again…

Oh, and I started this post over spring break and then forgot to finish it… thus the delay ;)