A few short weekends ago marked the the wedding of Desiree Roy and David Comeaux. I was much honored to be a groomsman in the wedding, and had been looking forward to the weekend with great excitement (yes, even the 8 hour drive).
Chappie and I hit the road around 8 AM on Thursday morning with full intentions of arriving in Lafayette, Louisiana before 6PM. Armed with my handy laptop-gps gizmo, we headed out of Columbus, Georgia and begin the long and boring drive through Alabama. Thankfully the trip from Mobile to Louisiana on I-10 was a bit more interesting than the Long and Boring portion of I-65 that stretches through southern Alabama (us Georgians can relate – just think I-16 = I-65).
Upon entering Louisiana, things seemed to get much more interesting. I’m not sure if that was due to the fact that we were getting close to our destination or that Louisiana highways are genuinely more interesting than those in Alabama and Mississippi. At any rate, I had fun riding over big bridges, through Baton Rouge, and over a really long bridge through the swamp (I couldn’t stop thinking of the Waterboy).
Upon arriving in Lafayette (around 3 PM), we met up with our dear friend David (the happy groom) to obtain my tuxedo. We then followed him through a maze of roads (referred to as “the back way,” but I’m pretty sure it was just to confuse me) to his parents’ house, where we were greeted by his family and their impressive culinary skills. After some friendly banter and introductions all around, we changed clothes and headed to the rehearsal.
The rehearsal went smoothly and before we knew it, we were back at Dave’s house for the dinner. Upon opening the door, my nostrils were assaulted with the aromas of some of the tastiest food I’ve ever smelled/eaten (and I eat well, sometimes). The food was delicious and the company pleasant. After dinner (and making a few new friends), we went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, then turned in for the night.
The day of the wedding (Friday) featured a very relaxed schedule. We (Dave, Chappie, and myself) awoke shortly before noon and spent the first part of the morning playing video games on an ATARI (surprisingly a first for me). After lunch, the groomsmen went downtown for cigars and drinks (which was most pleasant), and around 5 PM we left to prepare for the wedding.
The ceremony itself very different from any wedding I have previously attended. Though I don’t personally want a catholic wedding, I found the ceremony very interesting and meaningful. After the wedding (and opting for the blessing), we headed out to the reception, which was a blast (to say the least). After getting the obligatory photos taken care of, I danced away the rest of the night with lovely Louisiana friends and ample drink. By the end of the evening, I was glowing with both happiness and exhaustion.
Saturday afternoon was spent hanging out with the family and the newly-weds, playing Wii, and looking at pictures. After dinner, we went out for drinks and a little game of pool with a few of Des’ friends (to experience a little Lafayette nightlife), and then turned in for the night. Sunday, we trekked back to Georgia, and by Sunday night, I was back in Macon. What a weekend – I’m already planning my return trip!
Congratulations to David and Desiree – May you have a long and happy marriage, no matter what life may throw your way.