To kill Harry Potter, or not to kill him, that is the question facing J.K. Rowling. Of course everyone is wondering and speculating as to which she
will choose has chosen, but I’d like to take a more in depth look at this. I see the real question here being would she like to continue making bank on the cash cow that is Harry Potter, or will she seal her fate as the renowned author of the classic Harry Potter series.
Option 1: Let Harry live and continue writing his story. A very tempting option, I am sure. The total package (books, movies, video games, etc.) have earned Rowling a reported $4 billion. So, if you consider the per-book earnings, you are looking at around half a billion dollars (yes folks, that’s $500 million) per book. Let’s think about this, all you have to do is let him live, and you have not only allowed yourself a huge window for future stories, but given yourself the necessary advertising impetus for the loyal readers.
Option 2: Harry dies, books become classics (eventually). The only way for these books to be taken seriously as true classic literature is for Harry to die. Tragic, I’m sure, but necessary. This option will most likely be much less profitable. I mean, sure, lots of people will read any other books you write, but it just won’t be the same, it won’t be Harry. Included in this option, though, is that you cannot allow any spin-offs of the story (also decreasing the profit margin). I don’t need to be seeing “Ron and Hermione: The College Years” or “Ginny Weasley and the Scorcerer’s MySpace” anytime EVER at the local Barnes & Noble.
Now, I’ve read the books (all but #2, sorry) and I feel that option 2 is the path I would take. Turning your life’s work into a classic for generations to enjoy is much more gratifying than earning any amount of money. Of course, all that money could fund a lot of charities, could build an even greater legacy, who knows. Well, that is my opinion and I’m sticking to it. What do you think? Take the money? the fame? use the hype to gain world domination? Let me know.
Disclaimer: “Classic” is used is a very loose sense.