Facebook Acquires Parakey, Be Afraid

21 Jul 2007

facebook birdIn a clever move, Facebook has taken it’s next step toward world domination and acquired a small startup, Parakey. I am sure you are all familiar with Facebook, Parakey on the other hand, my not ring any bells. First, I must introduce Blake Ross. He’s the guy that helped pioneer the Firefox Browser that we all know and love. Well, his work recently has been focused on this little project called Parakey. Now, Parakey is a web-based operating system, but here’s the catch, all the actions you perform are seamless synchronized on both your local machine and the internet. No more uploading and downloading files, no more having a different program or account to share with friends and family, Parakey will integrate what you do on your home computer with the wide world of the Interweb. Of course this might raise some privacy concerns, but don’t worry, it only shares what you tell it to. It sounds like a very cool service, and combined with Facebook’s strong following, can possibly usher in a new era of life on the internet. IEEE Spectrum did an excellent article on Blake Ross and his Parakey project, I recommend you read it here. I’m very interested to see where this goes.