Catching Up on Mr. Holmes, The Open Way

24 Jul 2007

200px-sherlock_holmes_-_the_man_with_the_twisted_lip.jpgWhile many of you have been busy attempting to get to the bottom of all this Harry Potter nonsense, I decided to catch up on the venerable Mr. Sherlock Holmes. And what better way to do this than with the wonderful free resource known as Project Gutenberg? If you’ve not yet heard of Gutenberg (or the new Open Library), you really need to stop by and check them out. Project Gutenberg is a much older project with many full-text copies of public domain works (you can read the complete text of great books) while the Open Library is a much newer project with less content and a broader aim – they wish to create a catalog of every book on the planet (with full text for public domain works).

For now, Gutenberg is the place to go if you want to read such great classics as “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” or “Pride and Prejudice,” while the Open Library has a ways to go (but they do have a cool online book reader). I’m working my way through these great books by Sir Author Conan Doyle:

Along with a ton of other short stories and collections you’ll find here, along with a good list of some of Conan’s favorites here.