It’s Friday afternoon and in a few short hours the masses will be turning off their computers, donning their driving gloves, and heading away from work. Now while the weather in my part of the world might is not currently the best, for those of you blessed with sunny afternoons and a little free time, let me make a suggestion:
Take a detour.
We humans are creatures of habit, and for good reason – it allows us to employ our minds with other tasks while still accomplishing life’s routine. Unfortunately, habit is boring. That’s why I decided to change up my drive and find a different way home. My drive was instantly transformed from mind-numbing (and somewhat dangerous) to relaxing and enjoyable. I wasn’t driving across some intriguing Martian plain or through lush mountain valleys – just good old Georgia back roads, but the result was noticeable. My mind was engaged and I was able to slow down, enjoy the drive, and not battle the drooping eye lids of a days’ work. I also happened to take snapshots while driving (probably not the safest idea, but whatever), so I captured some of Georgia Highway 219 for the gallery. From behind the wheel, of course. Oh, and Google is your friend – try the “avoid highways option,” or drag the route adjustment handle for new ideas. Of course there’s always plain simple experimentation though better suited for those with an innate sense of direction (and perhaps a GPS).
So let me encourage you to shake things up. Take a detour. Try something new. You never know what you might find.