Disturbing P2P Amendment Overturned

27 Jul 2007

We The PeopleA few weeks ago proposed a new amendment that would require, at first, twenty-five colleges and universities to install “anti-P2P technology” on their internet connections. This outrageous bill would allow everyone’s favorite organizations (the RIAA and MPAA, please note thick sarcasm) to dictate what was considered “good” and “bad” (obviously immensely biased in their favor) and force the Universities to block this content.

Of course this is absurdly bad and flows in the same vein as the organizations recent attempts to stifle creativity and freedom on the internet. An uprising was swift and immediate, and with the combined outcries of both the universities and public, the bill has been removed. Just one more reason why we should actively call and email our senators over issues that affect us. They can ignore one or two people (you know, with that polite little “I’m sorry, but you’re not paying for my $1000 massage this afternoon so I don’t care what you think” email) but when hundreds of us began to call and pester them, things can and will change.

So mark up one win for us the people, one loss for “them.” Hurrah! Now lets work on that Net Neutrality stuff.