Just in case you missed it, Apple announced the latest OS for the iPhone (and iTouch), version 3.0, on Tuesday. It includes a ton of new features, mostly in the programming department (though copy and paste will be a welcome addition, as will the new MMS feature … no more viewmymessage.com texts!). The OS will be open to consumers in June, but is currently avaliable for registered developers (must be a paid developer, not a free one). Me, being totally impatient about this, was twittering about the OS upgrade and recieved an offer to go in on a dev team and split the cost of membership. This will give me (legal) access to the 3.0 beta OS, the 3.0 SDK, and the ability to test any software I write on the phone itself.
I’m doing it. I’ll post my thoughts when I get signed up. And who knows, maybe this will even result in some software for your iPhone!