Most Suicide Bombers are Muslim (or 10 Non-Politically Correct Things You Didn’t Know)
I know, I know, I hear you screaming injustice already. Hush up and read – I love my diversity just as much as the next guy.
Read More »09 Jul 2007
Wanna See Sicko? Not in Macon!
I’ve been reading bits here and there about Michael Moore’s new movie “Sicko,” ([Wikipedia][1], [IMDB][2]) which supposedly exposes the horrors of the health care industry in America. Not surprisingly, the health care industry isn’t too happy about this, and has recently expressed a little bit of [concern][3].
06 Jul 2007
Steorn: Free Energy? Technical Difficulties? Hmm.
I don’t know how many of you remember the absurd physics-defying claims of [Steorn][1] from last year, but it seems they’re out to do … something. Apparently today is the day when they will actually get their conservation of energy defying machine to work (apparently they had some “technical difficulties” yesterday). Steorn claims to have invented a way of generating “clean, free energy” from “magnetic fields” in a manner which defies conservation of energy. A fabled perpetual motion machine, if you will. As a man of science, I’m pretty dang skeptical of this baloney.
Read More »05 Jul 2007
iPhone Hacking Going Well
It would [appear][1] [that][2] the iPhone has been activated on a non-AT&T network. The haxors are hard at work, bringing cool features to your new $600 toy! Current roadmap:
05 Jul 2007
Data, Backups, and Digital Obsolescence
A brilliant thinker ahead of his time, [Vannevar Bush][1] envisioned a device he called the [memex][2] which would supplant one’s memory, allowing you to store and retrieve texts, ideas, photographs, and other items of interest. These bits of data could be linked together in meaningful ways, providing a way to explore the relationships between various “memories.” Sound familiar (I recommend reading read [this][3])?
Read More »05 Jul 2007
Podcasts of Interest
I decided to revive my old iPod mini, that’s right, I said mini. It’s blue. I did this because I decided to venture into the wide world of podcasts and found a wide range of entertaining episodes. I did have a little trouble, however, with browsing the podcast library. There seems to be no real effective way to do this, you either must know exactly the one you are looking for, or you must listen to one of the most popular selections. Perhaps it come with the territory of being a million years behind everyone else listening. I started with a few whose titles piqued my interest, so here is what I thought of them.
Read More »04 Jul 2007
Happy Fourth
Here’s wishing everyone a happy, fun, and tasty Independence Day! I’ll be out visiting with family and friends most of the day, so I don’t think you’ll find much in the way of posts from me.
Read More »04 Jul 2007
Web Hosting Review: WebHostingBuzz
I have operated various websites over the years, starting on [free servers][1], then dabbling in the arts of [self hosting][2], and most recently with [a paid host][3]. When I finally decided to jump to paid hosting, I was looking to get as much bang for my buck as possible. I wanted the most features for the least cash – who doesn’t? After researching hundreds of services, I chose [WebHostingBuzz][3] (see disclaimer at the bottom) which seemed almost “too good to be true.”
Read More »03 Jul 2007
Jinzora: Stream Your Library
I just ran across a neat looking piece of software called [Jinzora][1] which claims to allow you to browse and stream your media library over the web, for free. I’ve looked for something like this several times in the past, but never found anything that came with an open source license. Jinzora is GPL’d software, so you don’t lose anything by giving it a shot. I don’t have time to play with it right now, but drop by the site and give the demo a run.
Read More »03 Jul 2007
Fake Steve, and other Funny Business
If you’ve never visited the site of [Fake Steve][1], I recommend having a read. He occasionally gets referenced on other sites, so I stopped by to check it out. Funny stuff – try this quote on for size:
Read More »03 Jul 2007
Weekend, Fourth of July, Etc
Monday has arrived, bringing yet another lazy, relaxing summer weekend to a close. I attended my first [Macon Music][1] game, highlighted by a rousing performance of the National Anthem by my friend Sam. Other than that, the game was uneventful and the weather was oppressive. I’m not even sure who won since we left halfway through the seventh inning.
02 Jul 2007
Picasa Web Albums and Geotagging: The Review
In a [prior article][1], I made a reference to a few recent updates to a couple of Google Apps; namely [Picasa Web Albums][2] and [Google Docs][3]. I merely mentioned the addition of new features as I didn’t have time to investigate further.
30 Jun 2007
iDay Final Round-Up; Ed Felton Speaks on the Revolution
OK, well it’s finally here – the long awaited [iDay][1], the day when Steve lets [all the little-bitty iPhones loos][2]e on the [
world][3] US of A (everyone except [Vermont][4] – sucks to be you). People are [going crazy][5]. Doing [silly things][6]. [Painting pictures][7], [baking cakes][8]… Steve even [gave away $12 million][9] (yes, million) worth of iPhone goodness to his dedicated Apple employees (talk about benefits). What ever has the word come to?
29 Jun 2007
Dave Does “La Bamba”
"La Bamba" was an instant classic anytime [The Newtons][1] were in concert. Thus, I proudly present you with a live recording of "[La Bamba][2]," as performed at one of band’s last concerts. The recording quality isn’t the best and it’s sometimes a tad difficult to hear, but for this historical audio clip, I think it’s worth the trouble.
Read More »29 Jun 2007
4,133 Sheets of Paper
Four thousand, one hundred and thirty-three sheets of paper – the number of individual pages that Max Tyrie and his friends printed to create this hand made stop-motion music video for [Modest Mouse][1] (the video is below).
Read More »29 Jun 2007
Want to Know Why Christians Get a Bad Rap?
I was doing a little key word study on Google (you know, typing stuff into Google and looking for certain results) when I stumbled across this (very obnoxious and offensive) document (from Google Cache – the site appears to be down). The domain is and is registered to Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. The document is a flier from May 2007 encouraging members to protest Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie (amongst others), apparently over the song “[We Are the World][1].” What ever happened to that Christian love?
Read More »28 Jun 2007
Back in the Day… The Highlights Reel
Since we are working on preparing a few site upgrades, I went through every post on digivation to perform a little maintenance. In the process of tagging, spell checking, and executing other editorial duties, I noticed a few “oldies but goodies” from last year, and thus, I give you “Back in the Day”:
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