Filling Up My Zooomr
For those of you looking at Zooomr out of the corner of your eye (so to speak), let me invite you to check out [my photo stream][1]. I have been spent the evening uploading a few of the pictures on my laptop, but I won’t be able to upload the ones from my desktop, seeing as how it’s back in Macon while I’m here in Columbus. To check out more of my shots, visit [my Flickr photostream][2] (yes, I’m keeping both). While I’m loading Zooomr, I’m also taking down a brief list of features which I will post later.
Read More »19 Jul 2006
Zooomr 2.0 (beta) is (Finally) Live
After a [bit of technical difficulty][1], which bumped the release of the new [Zooomr][2] platform back a few days (originally planned for Friday, July 14th), Zooomr 2.0 has [finally hit the ‘net][3]. I assume this is actually version 2.0 of the beta because the site still redirects (as of Tuesday morning) to the server and the logo still reads “beta.” But then again, since it seems that “beta” is the hot thing in “web 2.0″ trends, so maybe I’m totally wrong.
Read More »18 Jul 2006
Atlanta Trip and a Car Project
To round out my hectic month of weekly trips throughout Georgia, I spent Saturday in Atlanta with Amy. For those of you who don’t know, she is one of my closest lady friends, and seeing her always brightens my day. Unfortunately, my trip to Atlanta was not quite as inspiring – about an hour into my trip, I attempted to avoid an accident on I-285. However, instead of simply bypassing the accident, I ended up meandering about North Atlanta for over an hour. Despite the minor driving setback, Amy and I had a wonderful time discussing any and everything, enjoying a delectable dinner at [Copelands][1], and visiting with a few of her Atlanta friends. I miss having Amy around, now that she’s graduated and assumed real responsibilities, but am truly excited for her – she has gotten her first real job as a teacher!
Read More »17 Jul 2006
Ambient Occlusion Demo
I’ve been fooling around with blender and this is what I’ve managed to produce. Just a simple little test, really – but it looks cool!
Read More »13 Jul 2006
Zooomr Test Post
I’m back from a wild weekend of driving through Georgia, [getting brothers married][1], and celebrating with friends – maybe a post on that topic is in order. For now, a quick test post of Zooomr, a (relatively) new photo sharing upstart. They seem to be offering free Pro accounts to bloggers, so I guess I’ll take advantage of that (I’ve been a member for a few months) [[via][2] - [more info][3]].
Read More »09 Jul 2006
Get In My Car – This video has a kick
Um, this is great … cheesy song, funny, and a must watch! [See it here][1] (YouTube)
Read More »09 Jul 2006
Listening to Coffee While Drinking Jazz
Don’t you love those slips of the tongue? They always seem to strike at an appropriate time and add that extra dose of humor to a situation – take today for example. I was en route to work this morning (my daily 45 minute commute), sipping on a cup of Mocha Nut Coffee and listening to a selection of [Thelonious Monk][1] jazz (I bet you didn’t know I was that refined). Suddenly, I thought to myself (yes, I am capable of thought) “strange … I’m listening to coffee and while drinking jazz… this isn’t normal for me.” That little slip put a grin on my face for a good three miles of GA Highway 219. So I challenge you to look out for the little slips in life – the next time you listen to your coffee while drinking your jazz, it might just be a good time to take a break from that solemn stare and crack a smile. After all, laughter is good for the soul.
Read More »06 Jul 2006
Weekend Activities
Hopefully everyone has returned safely from his or her respective weekends refreshed and ready for yet another week. Personally, I spent my weekend traveling (or that’s how it seemed). After work Friday afternoon, I took off for Auburn to hang out with an acquaintance and experience a little Auburn nightlife. We all went out for dinner and then spent the evening at [Highlands][1] listening to [Trotline][2] (a country band that is somewhat popular around Auburn) and socializing.
Read More »29 Jun 2006
Writer’s Block
As I sit here staring at my computer screen, with 5pm looming closer every minute, I find myself at a strange lack of words. At the top of the screen a long list of incomplete ideas, waits patiently for that sudden literary spark. Yes, I know, I should simply sit down and make myself write, yet at the same time I feel lost, my mind full of scattered fragments and lacking coherence. For some reason, the inspiration hasn’t come to me yet.
Read More »15 Jun 2006 – now no-www compliant
I am happy to report that is now no-www compliant, thanks to Matt’s handy new WordPress plugin that makes this far too easy (I seriously resent not playing with my .htaccess file). What exactly is “no-www compliance” you ask?
Read More »13 Jun 2006
Google Spreadsheets Invites
If anyone wants an invitation to Google Spreadsheets, just leave a comment to this post. You must have a Google Account to sign up.
Read More »13 Jun 2006
They’ve Got More Bling
I don’t know if you have run across this yet, but Dub Custom Wheels is producing a new line of wheels (rims) called the “Pimpstar.” These amazing rims (if you’ve got the $19,500 for the 26″ set – gotta go big on these babies) will definitely push your car over the edge and right into that mystic land known as “pimp-dom.” You will be able to exhibit any message or image on your rims, as you drive.
Read More »08 Jun 2006
Job Title: Engineering Bitch
Yes, it would seem that this summer will be spent putting in good solid time as “the co-op,” “the intern,” or any other stereotype you can think of. However you cut the cake, I get to do the bitch work – that repetitive mindless stuff, like copying updates from one AutoCAD drawing to another, or submitting forms to pass the bureaucratic red tape. Before we go any further, let me assure you that I don’t mind; I view this as an opportunity to do the following:
08 Jun 2006
Google Spreadsheets
A few days ago I was alerted to the development of a new Google tool, the Google Spreadsheet. Since I always like to check out the latest and greatest, I signed up for the beta test. So far the spreadsheet functions work quite well (better than I had first expected), though the formatting (especially on imported documents) is still lacking. The application includes the ability to upload and download .XLS sheets in addition to the ability to export a spreadsheet in HTML format. As I play with the service, I’ll be sure to keep you updated.
Read More »07 Jun 2006
Theme Changes
Since I have been procrastinating so horridly on updating the site with a truly unique style, I felt it was necessary to replace that boring blue bar with a somewhat interesting image. Hope you enjoy – I will try to rotate the images around a little bit (and maybe automate this eventually).
Read More »06 Jun 2006
Hey I’m 21 Now
I’m now officially twenty-one years of age and still going strong – I can now legally drink, buy alcohol, and go to clubs and bars. As for the big day itself, I spent it with a few folk I had never seen before – and hopefully made a few new friends. The summer looks promising!
Read More »05 Jun 2006
21st Birthday
Hello everyone, I turn 21 on Sunday. I just thought I’d write that down for everyone’s benefit. What will I be doing on Sunday, you ask (cause, you know, the bars and stuff will be closed)?
Read More »02 Jun 2006
HDTV for the Internet Age
While engaging in some light reading Friday afternoon, I ran across a blurb on a new “Internet TV” show, [Mariposoa][1]. After a little research, I learned that the entire show is filmed, edited, and produced by four ordinary guys with a little time and some nice (but still consumer level) equipment. The show is “broadcast” (if you can really call this broadcasting) solely online in 720p or 1080i HD formats and makes use of the bittorrent protocol for distribution. I have watched the three available episodes, and I must say that it is quite impressive to see what these guys have accomplished. This certainly does hold potential for a new era of online broadcasting, bringing television and video in the same directions as blogging have brought the web. Check out some of the episodes (or at least the [galleries][2]), and let me know what you think. This has definitely started the mind-wheels turning…
Read More »28 May 2006
New Job Starts Tomorrow
It’s all in the title – I’m driving to Columbus tonight and will be starting my new job with Emerson at 8 am tomorrow. Never fear, I’ll be back in Macon Friday night.
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