The new season of Heroes started last week and based on the first episode, I’m really looking forward to this season. I found Heroes one of the most fascinating new shows when it came on last season and it has not disappointed yet. Every episode is well written, uses great special effects, and is very engaging. Heroes definitely still holds a place in my “must download” list (seeing as how I never have time to actually watch TV) and it should be on yours too.
Read More »01 Oct 2007
Louisiana, Here I Come!
Oh yea, it’s on! I’m getting ready to head to Louisiana for fall break (next weekend). Which means I get to hang out with Dave and Des, tailgate at the LSU / Florida game, and eat tasty cajun food! I can’t wait! I’ll be sure and snap a few pictures (better ones than I got on the last trip) so you can share in my enjoyment.
Read More »28 Sep 2007
Wow I’ve Been Behind
You know, you’d think I’d have written enough “sorry I’m not around” letters by now, but it appears that’s not the case. It seems to have been over a month (more like two) since we’ve really published any amount of new stuff here.
27 Sep 2007
Speed Boost
After some trouble with our internet connection (ie no internet for three days), the Cox technician came to the house, hooked up his nifty spectrum analyzer, and then replaced a couple connectors. Check this out:
Read More »12 Sep 2007
Welcome Back Mercer
It’s that time again. Tearful parents saying good byes, bright eyed freshmen eager to explore the opportunities of college life (and freedom from the parents).
20 Aug 2007
The McBaren – A Handmade McLaren CanAm Replic-ish
Two years ago, Dick Bear decided to fulfill one of his lifelong dreams and build a replica of the [McLaren CanAm racecars][1]. He proceeded to construct a semi-faithful replica (though it’s only powered by a Honda engine) to work on his metal skills and build something cool.
17 Aug 2007
Gallery Under Construction
16 Aug 2007
Thanks, The Management
16 Aug 2007
Plz Pardon Our Progress
We’re in the middle of upgrading, so if you see broken stuff please excuse our mess!
Read More »14 Aug 2007
Integration of Facebook / WordPress Login Systems – Good or Bad?
What if you could log into [WordPress][1] using [Facebook][2] authentication? I’ve recently been inspired to do more WordPress hacking thanks to the great discussions occurring at [WordPress Bits][3], and this is one of the random thoughts that crossed my mind the other day.
14 Aug 2007
Running in the Rain
Have you ever run in the rain? If not, I highly recommend the experience, as it is quite refreshing. Last night, after a long days’ work (and washing my car), I went out for my daily run. About three minutes in, the rain started coming down a few drops at a time, and by the time I completed my first lap, the floodgates were opened. After becoming thoroughly drenched to the bone, the run was quite pleasant and offered a welcome change to the 100+ F weather we’ve been having lately.
10 Aug 2007
Getting Closer
In case you’re wondering, Chappie and I are still alive, despite reports of our recent demise. We’ve just been busy working on other things this week, and plan to return to regular blogging within the next couple of weeks.
Read More »10 Aug 2007
August Goals
After successfully meeting the majority of our goals for July, we’re adjusting the focus slightly for August. This month, we’re going to focus on getting a redesign and the completion of a new project. Thus, for the beginning of the month, you will see fewer posts here. Don’t worry, we haven’t abandoned the site – we’re just busy working in the background.
Read More »03 Aug 2007
July Blog Goal Results
If you remember, back at the end of June I issued a [personal challenge][1] to Chappie and me. We were to write sixty posts and attain at least 1100 unique visitors, and hopefully increase the number of return visitors in the process. How did we do? Here are the facts (traffic measured by [reinvigorate][2]):
Read More »01 Aug 2007
“Greek” from a Greek Perspective
ABC Family’s new television show, [Greek][1], offers an interesting look at public assumptions of the Greek community. I first heard a concerned mention of it from someone last semester, but after after seeing promotions for the show and hearing other people mention it, I decided to investigate the show for myself. I myself am a proud member of the Greek community (as in fraternities and sororities, not nationalities), and as such, I am familiar with the various stereotypes that society associates with us – hazing, excessive intoxication, irresponsibility, vanity, and petty power struggles. If you’re unfamiliar with any of these things, you should probably stop right now and watch the classic film “[Animal House][2].”
01 Aug 2007
Cookin’ Chicken With Christopher Walken
I just stumbled across a [site][1] that allows you to share “cooking videos,” kind of like YouTube, but for recipes. I find this quite intriguing, as I enjoy dabbling in the culinary arts from time to time, yet I don’t understand half the directions in some of those fancy recipes.
01 Aug 2007
Take a Guess
I’ve spent part of the afternoon working on a small piece of an upcoming project that will appear on digivation.net. Any guesses as to what this might be (not really that hard)?
Read More »01 Aug 2007
The 500 Question Purity Test
I don’t know how many of you have seen [this test][1] (warning: those with weak stomachs might be a little offended at some of the later questions) that David pointed out to me the other day. The test is most entertaining and I recommend you take it – it opens up the possibility of conclusively comparing your debaucheries to those of your friends! Let the comparisons begin! The purest person in the room came out at 91%, while the worst was 61%. I think this should become the new thing:
Read More »31 Jul 2007
Bug Labs Releases DIY Electronics Kit
We have all heard of our share of open-source software, now this company plans on revolutionizing the electronics industry with open-source hardware. In a discussion with our friends from [Engadget][1] (we wish they were our friends), [Bug Labs][2] describes how they will provide young (or old) designers with a kit containing a small Linux-based micro-PC with USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, and several other ports for connecting with this device. The system is designed to run home-cooked Java apps to develop software for the device. Numerous components will be available for the design including a small or large screen, QWERTY keyboard, GPS, camera, or speaker, all of which will be accessible and web addressable. For those that will chose to move down to the circuit level, all the hardware component schematics and interface protocols will be available online. There is also potential for the best designs to be submitted for production. This has to be one of the coolest ideas I have ever heard of, and when the kits are released later this year, you can bet I’ll be checking it out. You can read the Engadget article [here][3].
31 Jul 2007
iPhone Running 3rd Party Software, Custom Ringtones
Engadget is [reporting][1] that the good hax0rz over at the iPhone Dev Wiki have churned out a proof-of-concept compiled application (“hello world”) that will run on the good ‘ole iPhone. Of course this doesn’t mean anything for you yet (unless you want to write your own software for the iPhone), but if you’re looking for something a little more practical, grab yourself a copy of [iFuntastic 2.0][2] (for free, of course) and get busy installing those custom ringtones, changing your carrier logo, and tinkering with your icons!