I’m Now Facebook Friends With Barats and Bereta!
And as we all well know, being [Facebook][1] Friends just plain [makes it official][2]! If you’re not familiar with their work, [Barats and Bereta][3] make some hilarious video sketches, and you should certainly hop on over to their [website][3] and check out their stuff. Start out with a good look at “Mothers Day,” “PC Frat Boys, and perhaps “Completely Uncalled For.”
25 Jun 2007
How to Avoid a Speeding Ticket
Obviously, you could just not speed, however, I am placing these tips here mostly for the benefit of my colleague (whose recent acquisitions have granted him some new bad habits), but I imagine there are a few others out there who might find this helpful.
Read More »24 Jun 2007
The Mystery of the Rebooting Razr (Solved)
If you’ve been keeping track, I purchased a new Motorola Razr V3xx a few months ago after my roommate knocked my Sony-Ericsson into the murky blue(brown) depths of Lake Tobosofkee. Once I managed to recover most of my contacts through a combination of an old phone and [Facebook][1], I was quite happy with the Razr. Most people immediately laugh when you say “Oh I have a Razr,” requiring me to constantly qualify that statement with “But its the latest version – and much better!”
23 Jun 2007
Plastic Rims?
I totally want a pair of these plastic wheels for my BMW! Not only do they look nifty (and I’m sure you can get them in a variety of colors, styles, and patterns), but they’re super light weight!Now if we can just get them DOT approved…
Read More »23 Jun 2007
It’s Madness, I Tell You!
After making a quick check of the past few post dates, I just made a stunning realization (and one that makes me look rather bad).
Read More »23 Jun 2007
Apple iPhone Tour Now Live
No, I don’t happen to have one of these yet. Sorry, no secret connections or anything cool like that (though if I drive to Atlanta I could get to look at one 30 minutes before most folks). In reality, I will not be getting an iPhone next Friday, nor anytime in the near future (though I suppose I could work a few more Saturdays and then get one). However, I think that they are pretty cool, and it seems that Apple has recently opened up the [Guided Tour of the iPhone][1] for your investigation (if you haven’t already seen it, I’d recommend checking it out!)
23 Jun 2007
Working Saturday (With Poem)
Tomorrow is Saturday, and Saturday will find me at work. You see, I can clock as much overtime as I wish. And last weekend I got myself a nice shiny speeding ticket in my nice shiny new car, therefore: I’m working. To commemorate the occasion, I present to you a rarity around these parts: the poem.
Read More »22 Jun 2007
On the subject of cars…
I suppose you could now list my car in the garage of the digivation fleet. Now, we are all familiar with my colleague’s [newly acquired toy][1] as well as the infamous “[one red jeep][2]“, but my addition will bring a whole new flavor to the garage. I’d like to call it “the Champagne Bullet”, but I don’t think anyone would really buy it. I drive a sweet ’98 Toyota Camry. No, it doesn’t go “fast” per say, nor does it handle the off-road conditions very well, but it does leap tall buildings in single bounds get good gas mileage, great for [long trips][3], which I find myself taking more often. Suffice it to say that it is a departure from the classic Smithmobiles.[][4]
22 Jun 2007
And Now, I’d Like to Introduce…
Ladies and Gentlemen, I’d like to introduce Michael “Chappie” Chappell, the newest addition to the writing talent at digivation! I’ve known Chappie for the duration of my college career – he is a fellow EE (meaning that we have taken almost the same classes for the past four years) and fraternity brother. Not to be assumed the boring type, Chappie is quite the opposite. I’m sure he’ll charm you with his wit, humor, and innovative ideas, and with a face that lovable, who could resist?
22 Jun 2007
Biggest Birthday Present Ever (or I Bought a Car)
The “garage” of one Matthew A. Smith just grew by one vehicle.
Read More »12 Jun 2007
Black Roads, a White Dress, and Cajun Food
A few short weekends ago marked the the wedding of [Desiree Roy][1] and [David Comeaux][2]. I was much honored to be a groomsman in the wedding, and had been looking forward to the weekend with great excitement (yes, even the 8 hour drive).
Read More »12 Jun 2007
Site Broken, Now Repaired
Notice: When upgrading to WordPress 2.2, disable all plugins before beginning the upgrade.
Read More »11 Jun 2007
I’m Getting a BlackBerry!
As many of my friends know, I kill phones right and left. I also love cool toys. I’ve only had my Moto RAZR V3xx for about two months. It was great until a little water got splashed on it – now it likes to randomly reboot (update: [fixed][1]!) when doing important things like answer and make calls. I had settled to live with it for a year or so (being out of my 30 day warranty), until one of my good friends informed me that he was giving me a BB 8700c for my birthday. JOY! Thanks so much Alex!! I should get it this weekend, so I’ll be sure and post my reactions to my very first smart phone.
Read More »11 Jun 2007
Back to Work
Just in case you’re wondering where ever Matthew has vanished to, no worries – I’m just out of Macon. I’ve started back at Emerson, so I’ll be in Columbus/LaGrange during the week. Call me if you come through!
Read More »09 May 2007
So Sue Me… and the Other 1 Million
Read More »04 May 2007
Crash Course in PHP/WP/FB
I have decided it is time to dabble in a little PHP coding. Or get a little deeper than I have gone before. At any rate, I’ve decided it’s time for me to produce a WordPress plugin. To accomplish this feat, I must learn a bit of [PHP][1] syntax, the idiosyncrasies of the [WordPress ][2]API, and a little bit of the [Facebook][3] API. It’s time to see how beneficial my Java programming class really was.
Read More »01 May 2007
Mom, You Win
Yesterday, my dear mother accused me of paying more attention to the sentiments of my fraternity brothers than to her own requests. I won’t bother to comment on the validity of this statement, but I am here to say that, in one aspect, I’m going to try to listen to you: the budget.
Read More »29 Apr 2007
Classes are Out
It’s almost summer! Today marks the last day of class, Monday the first day of finals.
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