digivation.net - The Archives 2006-2011
Welcome to the digivation archives! Between 2006 and 2009, digivation.net served as a creative outlet for Matthew Smith and, on occasion, Michael Chappel. Since 2010 or so, both Michael and Matthew have been preoccupied with other persuits and digivation has fallen into disuse. While the digivation.net domain is being repurposed for other things, this archive will serve to keep the content available for posterity.
Blog Posts
Hello Photogallery
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to introduce a shiny new addition to the sidebar: a link to Photogallery! This bright new development bodes well for the return of the aforementioned occipital candy. Keep checking back over the next few days to see what sort of exciting new developments unravel!
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02 Mar 2006
LiveJournal Crossposting
Dear readers: For your benefit, I have reconfigured WordPress to crosspost to my LiveJournal. I rarely use LJ (what's the point when you have your very OWN blog?), but some of my friends like it as LiveJournal enables them to keep track of others. Therefore, I will let my posts be mirrored on LJ and you can see them there. For those of you wondering, this is accomplished by the livejournal-crossposter plugin for WordPress.
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28 Feb 2006
Blue Skies on the Other Side of Grey
Today marks my own personal "hell day." It seems that everything is due today - test corrections, homework problems, and a nice long feasibility report. To make matters worse, I put everything off until yesterday.
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28 Feb 2006
Photo Gallery to Return
Once upon a time, back before the great crash of digivation, there existed a photo gallery of sorts. Well, I am pleased to announce that I am currently working on a new photogallery to bring the gift of occipital candy back to digivation. I am also going to re-enable cross-posting to my (unused) LiveJournal, for all you who want to keep track of me that way. Stay tuned!
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25 Feb 2006
New Cellphone

22 Feb 2006
The Feeling of Weariness
I have been going, going, going, going. No stopping, just repetitive going. I got to sleep a tad late last night and have been tired all day – after a grueling hour-long leg workout and three mile run, I just never quite bounced back. Therefore, I am going to finish a prelab for tomorrow and hit the hay. Goodnight lovely world.
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Supercommercials XL
It has come to my attention that you can now watch the commercials from Super bowl XL on IFILM! This just might be something handy to keep you busy for the next fifteen minutes or so. You can even download to play on your iPod. GO! [src]
Read More »21 Feb 2006
The Wonders of Sleeping
According to those who study these things, the average adult needs seven to eight hours of sleep per day. As of late I have started to agree. Over the past few weeks I have been averaging closer to five or six hours of sleep per day (and occasionally less). Combined with the increased amount of physical activity that I choose to engage in (I am currently running 20 miles a week and lifting weights for a one and a half hours a day), I was becoming tired and boring.
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20 Feb 2006
I Am So Busy Doing Nothing
Once again it would seem that I have slipped off into digital negligence. Digivation lies slumped in the corner like a Christmas present without the "new." Why? I really have no idea... It seems that I have been horridly busy over the past few weeks, but when I sit down to reflect, it would then appear that I have been "busy doing nothing."
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16 Feb 2006
Reflections in Despair/To Love
At the times when I feel that things may be coming together the best, I suddenly take a dive for the worst. This is my least treasured attribute. The rush of despair as hopes sink like a brick upon the waves, despite bright circumstances. The risks of opening ones' heart are vast and I don't like where they take me. It seems that whenever I am near to the point of letting someone in, I want to draw up again, feel nothing, keep going. With vast emotion I shall face the storm, tender to one, unsure of the consequences. You now have me where it hurts the worst and I love the best - be gentle I beg you; despite my flirty facade and frivolous attitude I can only bare a little before tears.
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07 Feb 2006
ATO Spring Recruitment

25 Jan 2006
8AM Classes and Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity
This semester I have blessed myself with five wonderful days of 8 AM each week. I know it sounds like a curse, but call me crazy - I do enjoy the longer days. We all know if I didn't have a class until 11 AM I would be rolling out of bed at 10:30 AM. The downside is the rather tired and disoriented state that in which I arrive to my first classes of the day. This morning was especially bad but did lead to an intriguing discussion with my housemate David as we strolled to our 8 o'clock Controls class.
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25 Jan 2006
Welcome Back
Dear Readers,
If you attempted to visit my site during the past few weeks, things have been a little broken. First, the server was completely unaccessible, then, instead of the familiar yellow pages and witty banter that graced the old digivation.net, visitors were greeted with an ugly blue page declaring "site not defined." Apparently some friendly neighborhood hackers felt so led as to attack the server hosting my site and delete all of the accounts contained therein. Thankfully, my equally friendly hosting company got my account back up and running ASAP, but it would seem that all backups are lost.
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